..when the mind ceases to think..

...some organized incoherence.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Infatuation explained..

It begins with something special, something unique, something just for me. It's worth keeping, worth protecting. No one else has the right, nor the credibility to appraise it but me, so to ever watch it be in someone else's eyes, let alone their possession, is like watching it disrespected, devalued, and degraded. I don't wish to share it with anyone else. When I claim it mine, I want and expect it to remain mine, and if anyone else even casts a shadow on it I no longer wish to be associated with it. Better yet, I wish to have it destroyed, as a means to punish myself for allowing such cruelty to occur. The beauty remains in the untouched, undisturbed connection, an attachment that remains with me only.

And for the life of me, I have no idea why people don't get it..